Your Group Event Experts

Karen DiCarlo

Vice President of Sales

Email Karen or call her at (910) 235-8786



Kimberly Bryan

Senior Director of National Accounts
Southeast, South, West & International
16 rooms or more on peak

Email Kimberly or call her at (910) 235-8732



Tiffani Sheppard

Director of National Accounts, 
Northeast & Mid-Atlantic

Email Tiffani or call her at (910) 235-8769



Brey Garske

Director of National Accounts
Mid-West, Non-Profit Golf Tournaments & Golf Industry Accounts

Email Brey or call him at (910) 235-8487



Derek Noll

Director of National Accounts
North Carolina
16 rooms or more on peak

Email Derek or call him at (910) 235-8508

Ellen Hillyard

Group Sales Manager
North Carolina, Southeast, South, West & International
15 rooms or less on peak

Email Ellen or call him at (910) 235-8271